What are the benefits of fillers?
- Non-surgical
- Adds volume to cheeks for lift and shape the chin for contour
- Adds volume to moderate or severe facial wrinkles and folds
- Hydrates and plumps lips
- Natural Looking
Who will perform my procedure?
When will I see my results?
Are dermal filler treatments painful?
What can adding cheek volume with fillers do for my look?
Is lip augmentation right for me?
What can I expect after my procedure?
Can I exercise after my procedure?
Should I expect any complications?
How long will my results last?
At the Lind Institute of Plastic Surgery, our injections are done by our highly trained Nurse Practitioner.
The in-office procedure will take anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes, and your results will be immediate.
If you plan to undergo more extensive injections, especially into the cheeks, tear troughs, or lips, nerve blocks can be administered for your comfort.
As a part of the normal aging process, natural skin volume can be lost in the lips and the face. As the skin thins and loses its full, supple quality, it can leave your face appearing sunken and hollow. Adding cheek volume will restore a more youthful facial contour, and subtly lift your skin for a very natural-looking enhancement.
Your lips can lose volume over time, becoming less plump and youthful. Losing volume at the corners of the lips (oral commissures) can create a downward turn to your lips, and can make you appear as if you’re tired, unhappy, or continuously frowning. Younger people who have inherited thinner lips often choose lip augmentation to create a fuller, plumper, more appealing look.
After the injections, some redness and swelling will occur. The redness typically fades within 24 hours. You may experience some bruising and bleeding. If bruising occurs, it is generally very mild, easily hidden with makeup. The bruising and swelling will usually resolve in one to two weeks.
You should avoid strenuous activity for the remainder of the day. The treated areas should not be massaged, as it can cause the filler to migrate. You can return to work the same day as the procedure, and physical activity can be resumed the following day.
Soft tissue fillers are a very low-risk procedure. The complications can include some local redness, bruising, and swelling.
The results of the temporary soft tissue fillers typically will last between six to twelve months. Repeat injections will be needed to continue enjoying your results.